6 Signs That Your House Electrical Wiring Is Failing

House Electrical Wiring Is Failing

Electrical malfunctions are one of the main causes of house fires in the US. There can be several reasons for electrical failures like outdated wiring. According to the reports, there are an estimated 51,000 electrical failures each year in the US alone which costs nearly $1.3 billion.


However, these accidents can be avoided with some precautionary measures. With over a decade of experience, Boyes Electric is the ideal choice if you’re looking for the best electrician in San Leandro. This blog explores some telltale signs of faulty electrical wiring.

When Do You Need New Electrical Wiring?

Flickering Lights
Flickering or dimming lights are an indication that your electrical wiring might be struggling. This can occur because of a loose connection or when the wiring is inadequate for the electrical load. Don’t ignore this issue, as it can lead to overheating and pose a fire risk. We suggest hiring an experienced electrician in San Leandro.
Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips

Circuit breakers are designed to trip when there’s an overload or short circuit. If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it’s a sign that your electrical system is struggling to handle the load. This can be due to outdated or faulty wiring that needs attention. Call an electrician right away as it may damage appliances or, worse, electrical fires.
Burning Odor
An unexplained burning smell, often described as a “fishy” or “burning plastic” odor, is a significant red flag. This smell usually indicates overheating or melting of the insulation around wires. If you detect this smell, turn off the power immediately, and contact a professional electrician. Ignoring it could lead to a dangerous electrical fire.

Sparking Outlets

Seeing sparks when you plug or unplug devices is another serious concern. Sparking outlets can be a sign of loose connections or damaged wiring. It’s essential to address this issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage and minimize the risk of electrical shocks or fires.
Outdated Wiring
Houses with outdated electrical wiring are at a higher risk of failure. If your home still has knob-and-tube wiring or aluminum wiring, it’s time for an upgrade. These older wiring systems are not as safe or efficient as modern copper wiring, and they may not meet today’s electrical demands.

Warm or Discolored Outlets and Switches

If you notice that your outlets or switches feel warm to the touch or have discolored faceplates, it’s a clear indication of potential wiring problems. Heat can be a sign of loose connections, overloading, or deteriorating wiring insulation. Discoloration is often a result of excessive heat generated by faulty wiring. In both cases, professional evaluation and repair are essential.

Meet The Experts

If you notice any of these indicators, it’s imperative to consult an electrician to assess the situation and make the necessary repairs or upgrades. Boyes Electric is known for its top-notch electrical services. You can count on us for all your electrical needs. Call us today if you’re looking for the top residential electricians in Alameda.

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