3 Major Benefits of Installing an EV Charger at Home

3 Major Benefits of Installing an EV Charger at Home

In modern times, EV (Electric Vehicles) are not just mere trends, they are a major part of today’s automotive landscape, with the sale of electric vehicles rising year after year.

Now as more people are switching over their preferences to EV the requirement for efficient and convenient charging solutions for electric vehicles is becoming increasingly apparent all across the globe.

So if you are living in Oakland and looking for a convenient solution to charge your EV, why not install an EV charger with the help of an electrician in Oakland CA, and get your car charged right in the comfort of your own home? 

In this blog post let us deep dive into the three key benefits of having an EV charger installed at your home.

1. Cost Savings


While this may be true that the initial cost of buying and installing an EV charger may seem high, the long-term savings are more than enough to make up for the investment. 

Charging your EV at home after installing the charging system with the help of the best electrician in Oakland CA is considerably cheaper than using a public charging station.
In fact, a study done by Tesla shows that EV owners can save up to 65% on fuel costs by charging their EVs at home.

Additionally, with the growth in technology and increasing competition in the market among EV charger manufacturers, the purchasing cost of EV chargers is decreasing steadily.

This implies that the upfront investment in domestic EV charging units is becoming more affordable for homeowners, which adds up to the considerable savings that will be made over time.


2. Convenience and Accessibility


Imagine a situation when you will never have to leave your home and make a trip to the gas station again to charge your EV. 

This can only be made possible when you have an EV charging unit at home.

Simply plug in your EV once you are back home, and wake up to a fully charged battery every morning.
According to a study by the International Energy Agency, the convenience of home charging is a significant factor for EV owners, with over 80% of charging occurring at home. 

This statistic highlights the importance of having a dedicated charging solution right at your fingertips.


3. Increased Home Value


The real estate market is highly competitive in today’s world. So any feature in your property that can set your home apart can increase the value of your home. 

As EVs are becoming more mainstream nowadays, having a dedicated EV charger installed in your property can also be a crucial selling point for potential buyers while selling your home.

A report published by Redfin, states that residential properties in the USA with EV chargers installed sell at a higher price and also faster than those without.

So now by investing in an EV charging unit and getting it installed by the best electrician in Oakland CA, you can not only be able to enjoy the benefits yourself but also boost the resale value of your property in the days to come. 




Hence to summarize, installing an EV charging unit at home not only provides convenience and cost savings but also increases the value of the home.
So what are you waiting for, with the rise in EVs, now is the best time to invest in a home charging solution – just make the transition to electric and reap the rewards for the years to come.


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